Friday, October 23, 2015


To verify the equations in Chapter 2 -Inverse Kinematics Equations- and testing the generated angles of each motor within the limits of envelope area of model 'B' –as well verified in model ‘C’-, a control simulation is made based on several software's,
Matlab 2012a.
 Visual Studio 2010 -VSC++-.
 LabVIEW 2013 with SoftMotion module.
Each software tool is been used for a specific purpose, Matlab used to for quick calculation of the inverse kinematics equations while in the next step the m-file8 code converted onto C++ code to be able to run it on VSC++ which used to generate a MAH9 file which contain several angles for a movement steps that are needed for LabVIEW

:LabVIEW and SoftMotion Section

LabVIEW is a system-design platform and development environment for a visual programming language from National Instruments. Based on graphical programming.
LabVIEW software and the LabVIEW SoftMotion Module deliver graphical development for custom motion control applications. Which in this case a motion control of a predesigned Delta Robot SolidWorks model -model ‘B’-?
In any LabVIEW project there is two windows -parts-
The front panel window: which act as an interface for the End-User.
. The block diagram window: which contain the graphical code.
The Block Diagram
LabVIEW block diagram code is enclosed in Appendix C.
Matlab Section
As previously mentioned Matlab used for quick calculation of the inverse kinematics, a tiny GUI10 file written in Matlab finds the angles values of specific (x, y, z) point as in Figure 3-12.
M-file code is updated and converted into C++ enclosed in Appendix D

Visual Studio Section
In this section the code consist of two parts: sub-functions and main-function, the main function is the one which responsible for running the code and use the sub-functions in order to perform a specific task, in this case to generate the MAH file which contain the angles of each motor -inverse equations results-, while the sub-function is a code needed to be called do a specific task for the main function and most of the time ask for some input or return some values, e.g. the inverse sub-function ask for (x, y, z) and return (theta 1, theta 2, theta 3)

Figure 3-13 contain a generated angles (theta 1-3) for a fixed Z-axis and incrimination on X-axis and Y-axis with 0.5mm each iteration, therefore the motion will be a line from (x, y) = (0, 0) to (7, 7).


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